Always check what the standard floor is. Wooden floors are susceptible to wearing and rot over time even when coated. Some manufacturers will offer a superior floor as standard, such as aluminium for additional strength and increased longevity, while others may offer this as an optional extra. Ideally, thick rubber matting placed on top of the floor should be removable to enable the owner to clean the trailer thoroughly.
Remember to lift the mat and check the condition of the floor. Rotten, moist or damaged plywood floors can be unsafe and give way. More modern trailers have aluminium planking, but this too must be checked on a regular basis to ensure that your horse is always carried in safety and comfort. Any trailer floor should be checked every two months. If there are signs of damage to the aluminium floors, get them replaced or checked by a trailer distributor, or if your floor is wooden then prod and poke the floor to see how firm the wood is. If there is any softness or moisture then the floor should be checked by your local trailer distributor and changed if required.